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Pet Diagnostics and Bloodwork

It is essential that you take your pet goes to the vet; he may need to have blood work done. If your vet recommends a blood test, you shouldn't be too worried. You don't get concerned when your doctor orders blood work for you during your annual visit; therefore, you shouldn't be worried when you vet orders blood work.


What Can Blood Work Help Show?

During an annual visit, the vet will often run a CBC (complete blood count). This test identifies the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and the platelets in your pet's blood. They will also analyze the condition and the shape of the blood cells to check their health and functionality. The information that the vet can get from a CBC will tell them a lot about the pet's immune system by analyzing the white blood cells. When they analyze the red blood cells, it will tell the vet a lot about the blood's capacity to carry oxygen.

What Blood Work Offers In Diagnostics

There are plenty of other things that the vet can learn about your pet through blood work. When the vet tests your pet's blood, they can check the animal's levels of protein, glucose, electrolytes, cholesterol, digestive enzymes, and endocrine enzymes. There are certain chemicals in the blood that go along with specific organs. For example, if the glucose in a pet's blood is high, it will signal them to check the pet's pancreas. If the vet finds high levels of albumin, they will test the liver. Blood work is the best way that the vet can get to the root of a pet's medical issues.

Why Would a Pet Need Blood Work?

There are a few situations where a pet would need blood work. First, blood work is often done during routine visits to check for underlying conditions. If the pet is not feeling well, the vet may order the test. If your pet is going to be starting a new medication that is metabolized in the liver or the kidneys, they will take blood to make sure that your pet can tolerate it. Finally, before surgery, the vet will order blood work to determine the safest dose of anesthesia and to assess the surgical risk.

It is crucial to the health of your pet to make an appointment with Trinity Pet Hospital in Laguna Hills each year. If your pet has any underlying issues, they will be determined during the visit. Pet bloodwork and pet diagnostics are very important if your pet is going to live a long and healthy life. If any issues are detected during the routine visit, they can be addressed before the problems become very serious.  

Location and Hours

24861 Alicia Pkwy, Laguna Hills, CA 92653


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 3:00 pm



Trinity Pet Hospital


24861 Alicia Pkwy,
Laguna Hills, CA 92653